SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1
SGI Developer Toolbox 6.1 - Disc 3.iso
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The purpose of this "help" file is to provide information about
initiating viewing of the v6.1 CD form of the Developer Toolbox.
Areas discussed are:
0) if your CDROM drive is not mounted as /CDROM
1) location of Developer Toolbox "help" documentation
2) prerequisites to satisfy before starting any viewing
3) how to do the viewing
4) essential information about the viewing process
5) files placed on your workstation while running viewDT
0) if your CDROM drive is not mounted as /CDROM
Throughout this document we presume you have the DT CD
mounted as /CDROM. Some sites will choose to mount the CDROM
drive elsewhere, or will have more than one CDROM drive. You
will need to know what your system's directory name is, if it
is other than /CDROM, and employ it accordingly in your use
of these instructions. The most direct way to ascertain under
what directory name the CDROM device is mounted as is to run
the following command in a shell window:
% more /etc/fsd.tab
For example, the /etc/fsd.tab file of the system on which
these notes were written contains the following:
/dev/dsk/dks0d4s7 /CDROM efs ro,sock=/tmp/.mediadXXXXXX 0 0
/dev/rmt/tps0d5nr /tape archive opts=NA,sock=/tmp/.mediadXXXXXX 0 0
If you don't see the string "CDROM," the most commonly
employed alternative name is "cdrom." You will need to
substitute our use of "CDROM" in command sequences below,
with whatever your system is using as "CDROM".
1) location of Developer Toolbox "help" documentation
A printed version of this file is the actual liner notes of
the Developer Toolbox CDs. It is the oldest and most out of
date version of the information. The CDs have the next most
current version of this file. It is on all DT CDs in
/CDROM/bin/helpfile. Also on each CD, is a superset of this
file that describes this and other helpful information
regarding use of the Toolbox. It is located via the Help
button (with the image of a hawk) on the TOP/HUB entry page
of the Toolbox (a text only version of this
/CDROM/toolbox/DThelp.html file is to be found in
/CDROM/toolbox/DThelp.txt). As is typical, the CD version of
this file is a snapshot of the live one found via the
https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/ secure web house URL. Don't
confuse the Help pull-down menu in the upper-right corner of
the Netscape browser window, with our "Help" icon button. The
browser pull-down menu will take you to information about
Netscape itself.
2) prerequisites to satisfy before starting any viewing
There are some prequisites you will want to ensure are
satisfied before you attempt to view anything on the
Developer Toolbox. There are two versions of the following
information: one for people on a system running IRIX 6.2, and
the other for people running IRIX 5.3 (or anything else prior
to IRIX 6.2).
A. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 6.2 system:
i. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs
You can verify you have IRIX 6.2-released versions of
the following subsystems containing the necessary
netscape helper apps by running the versions command and
comparing the described version numbers to the
+ showcase -- IRIS Showcase 3.4
+ inventor_eoe -- Inventor Execution Only
Environment, 2.1.2
+ imgtools -- ImageVision Tools, 3.0
+ il_eoe -- ImageVision Library Execution Only
Environment, 2.5.1
+ dmedia_eoe -- IRIS Digital Media Execution
Environment, 6.2
+ dps_eoe -- Display PostScript/X, 2.0.5 based on
PostScript Level 2
This subsystem is not needed for people who use
something other than xpsview(1) to view PostScript
files on their system. You can arrange to use a
different PostScript viewer via your personal
$HOME/.mailcap file and an appropriate substitute
helper program (e.g. ghostview).
It is worth mentioning that if you do not have your
own $HOME/.mailcap and/or $HOME/.mime.types files,
versions of these will be created for you.
$HOME/.mime.types is used to augment the global
default definitions
(/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types) of the file
extensions which correspond to a particular mime
type. $HOME/.mailcap is used to augment the global
default definitions
(/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) of the mime types
which correspond to a particular helper
application. There will be some Toolbox-specific
definitions added to both of these files to help
support the viewing of Developer Toolbox content.
B. For people running viewDT on an IRIX 5.3 (i.e. a non IRIX
6.2) system.
i. Make sure you have all the Netscape helper programs
(Available on the Descktop Special Edition (DSE) 1.1 CD)
You can verify you have sufficiently current versions of
the following subsystems containing the necessary
netscape helper apps by running the versions command and
comparing the described version numbers to the
+ showcase -- IRIS Showcase 3.3.3
+ inventor_eoe -- Inventor Execution Only
Environment, 2.1.1
+ imgtools -- ImageVision Tools, 2.3
+ il_eoe -- ImageVision Library Execution Only
Environment, 2.5
+ dmedia_tools -- IRIS Digital Media Tools, 5.5
+ dmedia_eoe -- IRIS Digital Media Execution
Environment, 5.5
If you do not have the above subsystems loaded, you can
find them on the DSE 1.1 CD, the second CD included in
the v5.1 DT. It contains all the inst images needed to
satisfy the above prerequisites.
If you do not have the v5.1 DT, look for a copy of the
DSE 1.1 CD with your collection of IRIX 5.3 CDs. If it
is not there, you can also access the DSE 1.1 contents
at https://www.sgi.com/toolbox/DSE1.1/. If you are
unable to do this, contact the Developer Program at
devprogram@sgi.com, or on the phone either via
1-800/770-3033, or 415/933-3033, or by fax via
415/969-6327, and tell them you need a copy of the DSE
1.1 CD sent to you through the post.
ii. Make sure you have all the appropriate patches
Not all subsystems in these patches will install -- you
will only be allowed to install subsystems corresponding
to base software already installed. In other words,
always attempt to install the entire patch and don't be
alarmed about the parts which do not install.
Some of the patch locations mentioned below also contain
a recommended patch list. It is helpful to know your
hardware and O.S. level in order to install the
recommended patches. We are working to have this
information included in the toolbox. We do have an
abbreviated list below of seven key patches for IRIX
5.3, current as of August 14, 1996. All of them are
replacements of similar IRIX 5.3 patches recommended in
the v5.1 DT. These patches are also available on the
toolbox in /toolbox/dist/5.3/patches/
Patch 1412 - IRIX 5.3 Networking Rollup Patch
3MBs 8/13/96
Patch 1268 - 5.3/5.3xfs combined kernel rollup patch
8MBs 6/6/96
Patch 1264 - XFS rollup patch for 5.3
30MBs 5/1/96
Patch 1102 - NFS roll up
2MBs 4/3/96
Patch 1095 - Scrolled Window patch
2MBs 1/19/96
X server roll up Choose at most one of the following
Patch 1187 - excluding Impact graphics (for
non-Impact systems)
14MBs 3/22/96
Patch 1271 - only for Impact graphics (for Impact
2MBs 5/1/96
For those people with support contracts these patches
are available in the Support Folio quarterly release
CDs, and also inside Silicon Surf's SurfZone (to
register, go to http://www.sgi.com/Misc/zone.html), in
Supportfolio Online's "Silicon Graphics's support
patches on the web" entry page.
iii. Possible Inst Warning Messages and Conflicts:
There are two different types of warning messages you
might see which are benign. When you run the inst
command "keep Same" as part of the prerequisite install
sequence, you might see the warning message "No matches
were found." You can safely ignore it.
After running the inst command "go," you might see some
conflicts concerning subsystems not presently installed
on your system. These should offer a single resolution
to the conflict. The choice will be to not install a
particular patch subsystem. It is quite safe to select
this single choice resolution to the conflict.
Rhere is one error condition which might occur which
will require some work on your part. In a shell window,
run the command "versions tooltalk_eoe". If you see the
subsystems "tooltalk_eoe.sw.links" and
"tooltalk_eoe.sw.runtime" listed, there is nothing more
to do. Otherwise, before performing the prerequisite
install sequence, you must locate your "IRIX 5.3" CD and
install the two tooltalk_eoe subsytems mentioned above.
If for some reason you are unable to install these
subsytems, then you will be unable to view the only two
movies which are present on the Developer Toolbox v6.1
iv. A PostScript Viewing Issue:
You will have nothing more to do, if you have already
installed the 5.3 subsystem, dps_eoe.sw.dps, which
provides the Netscape viewer application xpsview.
Without this subsystem you will not be able to view
PostScript files on the Developer Toolbox. Of course,
you can arrange to use a different viewing program via
your personal $HOME/.mailcap file and an appropriate
substitute helper program.
It is worth mentioning that if you do not have your own
$HOME/.mailcap and/or $HOME/.mime.types files, versions
of these will be created for you. $HOME/.mime.types is
used to augment the global default definitions
(/usr/local/lib/netscape/mime.types) of the file
extensions which correspond to a particular mime type.
$HOME/.mailcap is used to augment the global default
definitions (/usr/local/lib/netscape/mailcap) of the
mime types which correspond to a particular helper
application. There will be some Toolbox-specific
definitions added to both of these files to help support
the viewing of Developer Toolbox content.
3) how to do the viewing
To view the Developer Toolbox, simply type the following
% /CDROM/bin/viewDT
Move the cursor into the Toolbox window which pops up. Now
press the "Enter" key on your keyboard. This command will
copy about 10 megabytes of Developer Toolbox viewing
utilities to your local disk, if they have not already been
placed there by a previous viewDT session. The Developer
Toolbox viewing utilities will be upgraded with a newer
version, if one is found on the CD. Specifically, to the
directory /usr/tmp, unless the environment variable TMPDIR is
defined. The next time you run, the command will not need to
recopy this data. Although we recommend you keep this data
local, you can elect to have it removed by running the
command "viewDT -r" rather than "viewDT". If you would prefer
to have the 10 Meg stored in a different directory you can
also do this by running the command "viewDT -f
<new_directory>" instead of "viewDT"
There are several modes in which viewDT can be run:
viewDT [-r] [-f tmp_dir] [-C CD_dir]
This is the standard mode outlined above, with one
exception. The -C option allows viewDT to be run from
the DT_utilities directory rather than from a DT CD. In
fact, the -C option must be used when running from the
DT_utilities directory. You might need to do this when
using a more advanced version of the DT_utilities with
an older CD version of the Developer Toolbox. Such a
condition does not currently exist.
viewDT -u [-f tmp_dir]
This version of the command is used to just create the
DT_utilities directory. It is most often used as one of
the steps used to install a fixDT patch for a particular
DT CD. The -f option is only needed when the
DT_utilities directory should be placed in a particular
viewDT -R [-f tmp_dir]
This version of the command is used to just remove the
DT_utilities directory. The -f option is only needed
when the DT_utilities directory exists in a non-standard
4) essential information about the viewing process
There is some essential information which will help you
manage your workstation resources and your time as you view
and use the Developer Toolbox CD.
o First off, activating the "Help" button produces this
help file, which you probably already know since you are
reading this.
o You may see a Netscape "Question" window informing you
of a Netscape lock file. You will see this if you have
Netscape running in another window. If you do not care
if you will be unable to save bookmarks and other
history in this new window then just click "OK".
Otherwise, click "Cancel", close the other Netscape
window and reselect "View".
o If you are not connected to the Web and the Internet,
then there are a number of Toolbox features you will not
be able to access. Specifically, Web references to
places outside of the Developer Toolbox CD and the
pheedback mechanism.
o The first time you access or follow a link to a place
not on the current CD, the utility dtCDmgr will be run.
It will allow you to specify how to mount the needed CD
and any other CDs which will also be needed. The
helpfile for dtCDmgr appears below.
o When the Toolbox window is present, it shows the server
status of both the "http" server, the web server, as
well as the "oksvr" server, the server for the search
engine. It takes time for the two servers to be started.
o There are a separate pair of servers created for each
user viewing the CD. It is literally your own personal
web site. You may want to keep these servers running if
you plan to periodically access the Toolbox. The way to
do this is to not "Quit" from the Toolbox window, but
simply leave the window running on your console either
in its opened form or stowed as an icon.
o Activating the "View" button for the first time starts
up the httpd and oksvr servers and then starts up
netscape. Upon exiting the Netscape window, the little
Toolbox window returns to your console screen.
Subsequent activations of the "View" button simply
invokes netscape again, since the two servers are
already running.
o When you have quit/exited from the Netscape window, and
the little Toolbox window has returned, you will see the
"running" status of the two servers displayed and their
respective port numbers.
o Netscape is fairly consumptive of memory, so you may
want to exit from netscape, leaving the servers running.
Unlike netscape, the servers consume very little memory.
The binary filename for the http server is
"dt_httpd.exe". The binary filename for the oksvr server
is "dt_oksvr". These have both been renamed to avoid
confusion with any httpd/oksvr executables already
running on your system. A helpful way to see how much
memory netscape is currently using is with the gmemsuage
program, the graphical memory usage display tool
included on the DT.
5) files placed on your workstation while running viewDT
Files are placed on your workstation to support the running
of the two servers.
If you don't already have $HOME/.netscape-preferences,
$HOME/.mime.types, and/or $HOME/.mailcap files, then
instances will be created for you. You are likely to already
have these files if you run Netscape or some other web
viewer. These three files are the only files created by
viewDT which persist after you quit from it. Additionally,
the files $HOME/.mime.types and $HOME/.mailcap have some
lines needed to correctly view certain types of files on the
Toolbox. In both files you will see a comment line of the
form "#--TOOLBOX_Compliant_File----". Please do not remove
these lines. They mark your files as having the necessary
definitions present. Just after this line will be the
definitions bounded by comment lines of the form
In the $HOME directory, you will find the file .dtcdresource.
It contains a list of the CDROM drives and/or directories
where dtCDmgr has been directed to find DT CDs. This file is
used to save the user from re-specifying these locations
every time viewDT is invoked.
In the /tmp directory, you will find two files (described
below) for each user. These files only exist while the viewDT
is running. The <n> at the end of their file name,
corresponds to the port number of the httpd server for those
files. For instance, .cdlocation_8080 corresponds to the
mount point of the CDROM for the httpd server listening to
port 8080.
In the /tmp directory, you may find the directory .portlock.
It is used when searching for free ports from which to run
the httpd and oksvr. There is the possibility an unexpected
error will fail to remove this directory, which must then be
removed manually.
o .cdlocation_<n> - which defines the mount point of the
o .userhome_<n> - which defines the absolute path location
of your $HOME directory.
The $HOME/.www directory is a transitory directory. It only
exists while viewDT is running. In it, you will find several
files and directories:
o .DT_DocRootFile - a file used by Developer Toolbox
cgi-bin scripts to point to the Developer Toolbox
document root. In our case, it points to
o .DT_OksvrRoot - a file used by Developer Toolbox cgi-bin
scripts to point to the Developer Toolbox searchtools
directory. In our case, it points to
o cgi-bin - a link to the Toolbox cgi-bin directory
o conf - the directory of configuration files for your
Toolbox web-on-a-CD.
o htdocs - the Document Root of your Toolbox web-on-a-CD.
o icons - a link to the directory <DT_utilities>/icons/
. It is the directory of the standard X bitmap icons.
o logs - log directory of your Toolbox web-on-a-CD.
It contains the access_log, agent_log, error_log, and
referer_log log files. It also contains the port numbers
of the httpd server and the oksvr server in the
httpd.port and oksrv.port files. It contains the process
ID of the httpd server in the httpd.pid file.